• info@akshitagrolimited.com
  • 0120-4557132
  • Mon - Fri 09:00 - 18:00

About Us

“One decision is all it takes to turn the world around”

At AKSHIT AGRO PRIVATE LIMITED, we are built on the trust we have in eco-conscious people. Our vision is to embrace thewealth and health nature has gifted us with. Never to destroy the precious gifts, but to reap themsustainably.

Our mission emphasizes the need to change India’scurrent agricultural processes. We aim to create a valuable market for organic products so thatevery farmer is motivated to rely on sustainable methods. Our traditional farming techniquesmake use of highly fertile lands from different parts of the country. We also ensure that we leave the land as naturally enriched as we found it. Fostering stability, biodiversity, conservation of local ecology and food production with all-natural nutrients!

Choosing organic products over non-organic ones isthe best way to return the land to its natural harvest cycle. All the produce we procure is harvested during the right time of year, ensuring that the natural richness of the farmland remains intact.By maintaining the cycle we also safeguard the local wildlife. Before every project, our teamcreates extensive reports to meet the quality guidelines of organic wellness. Our priority lieswith the environment and not with the destruction of ecology.